Top marketing tips for blog

A recent study by McAfee found that four out of five website visits start with a search engine query. So if your website doesn't have good search engine rankings then you're missing out on 80% of the traffic you could be getting. This translates to making 80% less

How To Get High Traffic?

Promot Your sites in different site by using This site. add your website to google. guidelines to increase traffic and rank to website.


How to earn money from web site.

search engine optimization tools

Search engine optimization (SEO also search optimization) is the process of editing and organizing the content on a webpage or across

Submit Website

A recent study by McAfee found that four out of five website visits start with a search engine query. So if your website doesn't hav..

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

20 Free Places to Promote Your Website Online

20 Free Places to Promote Your Website Online
Looking to expand your promotional channels? Check out a list of free sites through which you can promote your website.

Social Media Bookmarking

Sites that help readers to bookmark favorite sites, links and news articles are a great way to spread information about your latest blog post and gain quality backlinks.
  2. StumbleUpon
  3. Digg
  4. Reddit
  5. Pinterest

Online Directories

Submitting your website to popular online directories can help you gain more visibility through targeted searches and increase your website search engine ranking.
  1. Google Local
  2. Yahoo Local
  3. Bing Business Portal
  4. DMOZ
  5. Merchant Circle

Article Marketing

Writing an article specific for your niche interest is a good way to generate notoriety both for yourself and your business, product and website.
  1. EzineArticles
  2. Hub Pages
  3. Go Articles
  4. Article Dashboard
  5. Business Know-How

Press Releases

If you recently introduced a new product or service, writing and submitting a free press release can help generate a bit of buzz about it. In addition, if your press release has links back to your website, it can be an excellent source of search engine juice.
  1. PRLog
  2. Free Press Release
  3. 24-7 PressRelease
  4. 1888PressRelease
  5. PR-Inside (European-based distribution)
It is important to note that the links provided above are not an all inclusive list and that there are many more sites available for promoting your website. The goal is to become creative and to target your promotions specifically for the type of audience you hope to attract.

If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It: Building a Compelling Case Study

buildingcasestudyCase studies can be a very handy part of your marketing kit as a blogger.  While not an absolute requirement for working with brands, they can be a nice, polished way to present your influence, reach and effectiveness as a professional.  In other words, if you’ve got it, flaunt it.  The best case studies are concise, persuasive and visually dazzling.  Here are a few ideas for building a compelling case study.

Lead with a concise summary of the marketing activities in question.

In one or two carefully edited sentences, summarize what you did in partnership with a brand.  Mention the event, activation or other marketing activity that you launched along with the brand, audience and if relevant, key demographic involved in the activity.
  • “Curated a guest list for and hosted a holiday brunch with Local Cool Boutique followed by a sponsored post campaign on my blog and top social media accounts.”
  • “Launched a one week Instagram shoe contest for London Shoe Designer targeting the East Coast market.”

Present your best “before-and-after” stories.

Think about the impact your marketing campaign/activities had on the brand partner.  You may not have access to some of the key analytics such as in-store sales, monthly unique visitors or other metrics the brand will likely measure about this particular campaign.  However, you can certainly measure analytics for your blog and key social media accounts.  You can also share anecdotes and stories about the effect your work had on qualitative measures such as sentiment and goodwill.
  • “On the day of the event and two days following the event, tweets about Local Cool Boutique increased over 150%.”
  • “Over the campaign period, the sponsored post and related social media campaign resulted in over 5000 impressions for New York Bag Brand.”
  • “The online activation resulted in increased engagement for Big Department Store.  Many of the comments on my blog in response to the campaign were positive with reader comments such as ‘Love Big Department Store for participating in this’ and ‘Thank you for the giveaway Big Department Store!’.”

Make it pretty.

Even the most professionally written, analytically sound case study will fail if it isn’t wrapped up in visually appealing packaging.  Remember to keep the text concise and tight and use the accompanying visuals and layout to sell your creativity as a blogger and brand partner.  Choose your best images to magnify the ideas in the case study.

Last but not least- edit with an eagle eye!

Your case study should be no more than 1.5 pages or 5 Powerpoint slides long.  So you will need to be a ruthless editor.  For every sentence in the case study or slide in your deck, ask yourself “Does this need to be here?  Does this make sense?  Is this boring?” Use common sense to strike out sections that are repetitive or don’t excite the reader.  Don’t be afraid to show the case study to a friend or third party to give your text and overall presentation an objective eye.

Would you put together a case study for brands?  Was this list helpful for you?

Does Your Blog Own You? 3 Ways to Rethink it & Make it Yours Again

does your blog own you, does blogging consume your life
Lately I have felt like an absolute slave to my blog. Life’s circumstances have been overwhelming (a sick pet,  my wedding is two weeks away, putting in longer hours at the “day job,” etc.), and with all of my energy, time, and resources, I’ve only been able to put in about 1/10th of the work that I usually do toward it. I feel extremely guilty, as well as ensnared, trapped, and as if the site truly owns me.
Why? For one, I’ve set goals and expectations for it and myself that are perhaps on a superhuman level, and unattainable in the first place. I also don’t want to let my readers down, who, in my circumstance, have come to rely on certain types of content live on the site at least every day.  I need to set the reset, and maybe even the HARD reset button on this process, as it has become more draining than enjoyable. For those of you that feel the same way, here are three tidbits of advice that I am executing, that may help you gain a better blog equilibrium as well!
Focus ONLY on What Excites You Most
I have found that when I see the list piling up of “to-dos” as far as articles I have to write, so does the mounting fear, dread, and anxiety that I’m never going to get to it all in the tiny amount of time that I have to squeeze it in.  If, however I start with the item that excites me most, it gives me the drive and fulfillment to feel content with what I just got done. The adage goes that the hardest part about writing is getting started, so if you can start with the aspect you love most, be it outfit pics, product reviews, fashion news, etc, then go for it! It will most likely get your creative juices flowing, and leave you in a much better place mentally.
Be Candid with Your Readers
Sometimes it is a relief to “come clean,” and in this case, let your readers know how much you love and appreciate them, but  will be posting less frequently or need some time to rehash the site. Being upfront and honest about being busy, feeling overwhelmed, or burnt out sooner than later will give you the immediate release from the pressure of feeling compelled to constantly be working on your blog. Plus, everyone is so busy, I’m pretty sure your readers will understand! It’s so much better to let them know, instead of them wondering why you haven’t posted in a long time. Thinking about how you can best utilize your blog and time might be something you want to deliberate for some time, and you may decide to go niche or take it in a whole direction;  it may make your readers feel more involved if you give them a head’s up/sneak peek of what’s to come when you figure it out.
Seek Help
Know some college-age fashionistas? Friends who love to write?  A younger cousin obsessed with fashion? Tap them to write for you once in a while! It will refresh the content on your site to hear from a new voice, and give you some time to really make those posts that you want to work on most robust and memorable. Also tap into your blog network (IFB, ahem!) and see if anyone would be interested in post exchanges – most likely you will get an enthusiastic response.

23 Ways to Promote Posts & Increase Your Blog Traffic

Writing your blog posts is just a small part of growing your blog. The rest is getting readers to your blog…and that’s not always as easy. While there are some tried and true means of growing your blog, there are infinite ways to get your message in front of new people. Here are just a few to get started with!

The Basics (Social Media)

  • Tweet your post: Tweeting posts should be a regular thing. But one thing bloggers tend to do is just Tweet, “New post! [Link]” Truth be told, I NEVER click on those links. Write a snappy tweet with a link to your post. It could be your post title, but something that you know your Tweeps will click on. And change it up so you can tweet your post more than once.
  • Facebook: Don’t forget your readers on Facebook! Be sure to include an image on your post and test different times of days to see when your readers click on your links.
  • Pinterest: A powerful traffic driver, Pimp your images for Pinterest, and be sure to include this in you promotional strategy. You may have to test a few things to see what works best for your blog.. including adding text, pinning close up shots, whatever it is your followers best respond to.
  • Stumbleupon: This is an oldie but a goodie. It doesn’t take long to “Stumble” posts, but you never know which posts might get “Stumbled” so you wouldn’t want a chance to miss out on additional traffic boosts. It’s a really great way to get exposure beyond your regular circles.
  • Instagram: While there is no real way to link directly to your posts (yet) in Instagram, it’s always great to let your followers there know you have new content on your blog. Be sure to let them know that your ‘gram is for a new post!
  • Google+: There might be a lot of things disappearing from Google these days, but Google+ isn’t one of them. Google+ give some added value with their SEO features, along with sharing capabilities.
  • Include a “Follow me on Bloglovin” link in all of your posts: Now that Google reader is going away, more and more people are using Bloglovin. Bloglovin actually drives traffic the more followers you have, so make sure you give your readers every chance to follow you on that site so they never miss a post.
  • Do a Twitter chat around a blog topic: Tweeting your posts might not be enough… perhaps another way to promote your content (and your Twitter presence) is to host a Twitter chat and use a hashtag. Here you would write a post on your blog, invite a few blog friends to participate and have a conversation on Twitter.

SEO Promotion

  • Use Google Keywords to promote via SEO: One of the best ways to promote content is to use SEO. It is still the number one traffic driver for all of my websites, and should not be overlooked. Google has a nifty Keyword Tool which allows you to search keywords and see how many people are looking for particular topics, and how competitive the keywords are.
  • Look in your Google Analytics for to see how people find your blog (and expand on that): In Google Analyitcs you can find under “Site Content–>Search Engine Optimization–>Queries” What keywords people are using to find your site. We found a lot of people found IFB through our GIF tutorial, so maybe it’s time to revisit that post topic.
  • Link to other posts within your site to boost SEO: Links within your site do two things, they build authority for your posts, and they keep your readers on your website. Erika Miller noted we shouldn’t overdo it with the links in our post, so be strategic and try not to get carried away.
  • Put relevant keywords in your image “Alt” Tags: Don’t forget your images can be searched too!
  • Guest Post: A lot of people complain that guest posts don’t drive traffic. But maybe if you play it right, driving traffic could be secondary to your SEO goals. Use your guest post opportunities as a chance to link to specific posts within your site to help boost the SEO results and that will get you more traffic.

Good Old-Fashioned Email

  • Email Newsletter to your readers: It’s never to early to start building your newsletter. It may take time, but after all blogging is a long haul game. Email your readers once a week, or once a month to let them know about what’s going on with your blog. It’s the perfect time to promote specific content.
  • Ask your blog friends to promote a post: If you have a post you’d like to promote, and you have a great relationship with your blog friends, asking them once in a while to promote a post for you is no big deal.
  • Pitch your post to other blogs: Say you write a post that would be perfect for another blog, it would be a good time to let that other blogger know about your post. Who knows, maybe you’ll get a link!
  • Pitch your post to the press: Say you’ve done an independent study, maybe you’re an expert in budget fashion or did something newsworthy, or have the perfect post for a website, developing relationships with the press would be a great way to get added exposure on news sites in addition to blogs.

Create Sharable Content

  • Create a free download to share with your readers: Whether it be a calendar, desktop or even a template, free downloads are a great way to get readers to download, keep, and possibly share with others. Everyone likes a freebie!
  • Write content that solves a problem: Do you have a solution to a problem everyone has? Getting rid of muffin top? If you solve a problem, it will help your readers, AND if your readers have friends with the same problem, they’ll probably share your blog post too.
  • Write a catchy headline: I cannot say enough about how important it is to have a straightforward, yet catchy post title. This is often times the first impression people get of your website whether it be through search or through social media. You only have fractions of a second to catch their eye!
  • Write a controversial post: Maybe you don’t agree with what’s going on, maybe you’re on the fence, maybe you have a juicy piece of information to share with your readers. A controversial post will get people talking.
  • Feature another blogger: If you’re new, maybe you can do a feature swap with a blog friend with similar traffic, but featuring other bloggers helps build community along with you might get social media promotion from the other blogger. Word of advice, the other blogger may not share, so don’t expect or demand them to do so, as you may end up burning a bridge.
  • Start a blog meme: Whether it be something like the IFB Project, or the various ones out there, bloggers love to engage with others by sharing content. If you provide a service to share their content, you can always ask that they share your content as well.
  • Create an infographic, and pitch it to other blogs: Infographics… they are fun, and shareable, and most of all pitchable. If you think of a clever way to make information into a graphic, it could really lead to some amazing promotion for your blog!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tips on designing websites continue

21. Don't Confuse Users with Different Version :- Some site may ask for bandwidth preference or screen settings. See where they are, way below the rankings. Just give the readers the content that they want to see.

22. Donot Mix Ads with Content :- blending an adsense along the text body might increase the chance of clicks and revenues. Short term wise, this will earn you profits. Long term, imagine that users who are annoyed of being led to an advertisements which they do not need and do not want to see.
23. Simple Navigation are Top-notch :- Simple navigation is an assurance that the user will not be lost while browsing through your web pages. If one gets lost while clicking Next or hopping to another link, you can say goodbye to a potential subscription or sale.
24. No to Intro :- Placing an intro before letting anyone see the contents of your website is really annoying. Not everyone has the time, patience and attention span to watch what you want them to watch. It is just right to respect their time and lead them straight to the information that they need.
25. Avoid Using Frontpage :- Frontpage and other cheap HTML editors may be easy to use but you are sacrificing the quality of the design. You can often see problems with the codes or bugs when using different browsers. Unless you have advance coding skill that you can avoid such problems, Frontpage and other cheap HTML editors is not the way to build your website.
26. Cross-browser Capabilities :- Different browser have different sets of capabilities. What you have to do is make sure that your design is compatible with the most used browsers by your target market.
27. Intelligent Clicking :- Anchor text plays a vital role in your SEO plan. You have to make good use of them to let the users know where they are going if they click on a link. This give them freedom to choose where they want to go.
28. No Link Cloaking :- Hiding links is like telling the user to go jump in the river. The link must be visible and must tell the user where they will be going. Sending the users to affiliate links without them knowing will led to drop in your credibility.
29. Format Links Properly :- Formatting links properly make them more visible. Highlight their colors and underline them so they looks very inviting to the users. Links are optimally colored with blue.
30. Content Formatting :- The normal text should not be underline nor should it use colored fonts. Making normal text look like links might mislead users that they are also clickable.
31. Guide the Users with the Links :- After the color of clicked links so te user will be guided. This will give the user an idea which pages were visited and which one remains to be unexplored.
32. Avoid Using GIFs :- Advertisement banners may need GIF formatting but if these are not necessary on your website, avoid them. A tons of GIFs make the pages look cluttered and very unprofessional.
33. No to Pop Ups :- pop-up windows have been very annoying ever since. There are also chances that your pop-up window will be blocked by available free blockers in the market today.
34. Avoid color that causes Headache :- Color scheme may cause headache. If you think browsing through your website just for several minutes strains your eyes, then you must reconsider checking for another color on the palate.
35. ALT and TITLE attributes for images :- these will help a lot for blind users aside from being SEO friendly.
36. Functional Footer Links :- Internet users are accustomed to finding useful links at the bottom of the page. Usually you can find FAQs, Terms of Agreement, Contact Us and a lot more functional links. User amy click on them especially if they can find information on the pages.
37. Avoid Horizontal Scrolling :- People will tolerate scrolling down their browser to see the rest of the page. Do not give them the burden of scrolling to the left, than going back to the right, than going back up, than going down. Doesn't that sound tiring enough? The most commonly used resolution today is 1024*768 pixels.
38. Refrain from making long pages :- Scrolling down a few times may be okay to see information. Scrolling down forever to see what information you can give the users may be annoying and impractical. Users may decide to skip or just leave your website. A properly designed navigation plan will avoid this problem.
39. Polish the Grammar and Avoid typographical Errors :- Errors in the text will greatly affects the overall quality of your website. Before posting, you must edit, re-edit and proofread your contents to make sure that there are no spelling errors and grammar rules have been followed well all through out.
40. CAPTCHA :- These are utilized by webmasters to avoid spams on their websites. If you are using CAPTCHA, make sure that the letter are readable without having to call the whole family, football team and friends to read them out.

Designing tips for web page

As the owner of a website design business, I have to admit that I've seen it all when it comes to websites.

Some clients come to me with fancy, expensive sites, packed with lots of Flash animation and high-end gadgets. The sites look great, but sales are virtually non-existent.

While others have homemade sites they either created themselves or with the help of a friend or relative (or the high school kid down the street). These sites usually give a very unprofessional image and don't perform.

And more than a few don't even have a website (and that's the kiss of death in today's wired world).

Well, no matter where you are in the process of getting on the web, this course will help you create a better, more successful website.

Since most of my clients tend to be businesses, we're going to focus on creating commercial websites that increase sales and generate more leads.

However, even if you have an informational website, you'll pick up a few tricks from this e-course to help you attract and retain more visitors.

We'll even talk about how your website can open up additional revenue streams for you or your business.

So let's get started...

First, I want to share the two most important ingredients that every commercial website needs...

Traffic and conversion.

Here are the short and sweet definitions:

Traffic is simply the people who visit your website, preferably people who want what your business produces or sells.

And conversion means getting those people to perform a desired action while they are visiting your site. That action might be buying your product directly from your website using online ordering or phone, or it could be contacting you by email, phone, or online form for more information (in other words, a lead).

If your site has both traffic and conversion, then it's doing its job and becomes an important asset to your business.

But, if either one of these ingredients is missing, then your website (and business) is in trouble.

Let's take a closer look at traffic.

Quality traffic (also known as "targeted traffic") means visitors who want what your business has to offer. If you have no traffic coming to your website (a problem for MANY businesses), then nothing happens. Having no traffic is as bad as not having a website at all.

Likewise, if the people visiting your site don't really want what you offer, then nothing happens.

For example, say you own a plant nursery. But the people who visit your site are looking for furniture for a BABY nursery. You certainly won't sell many tree seedlings, tomato plants, or gardening supplies to new parents who are shopping for a crib.

We'll get more into how to find and attract visitors to your website in Lesson 4 of this course. So keep checking your email!

That said; most people's websites are absolutely horrible at conversion.

The first step is getting people to stay on your website long enough to take the action you want them to take.

That's tougher than it sounds. For most websites, the average visit lasts less than 30 seconds before the visitor clicks away.

A website that converts well will first capture a visitor's attention through a combination of effective design (which includes photos, graphics, and layout) with relevant copy (the text).

Once your website has a visitor's attention, the copy and design should work together to persuade a qualified visitor to take the action you desire.

Conversion is an interesting combination of art and science. And what's really interesting is the fact that even small improvements in conversion can mean a huge increase in sales and profits.

Increasing your site's conversion rate from 1% to 2% means DOUBLING your results. That's twice as many sales or leads!

Project work

Social Bookmarking sites:

website directory submission

What are website directories?

Website directories are similar to phone books (or more specifically, the yellow pages); you navigate to the appropriate category/topic and it lists the businesses that fall under that particular section - enabling you to find a company that offers what you're looking for. Website directories are no different; they categorize websites into different topics.

What are the benefits of website directory submissions?

The benefits of getting listed in website directories are twofold;
1) You get traffic from the directory from people using it as a search resource.
2) Every directory that lists your website is providing a link to your website, this link will contain your targeted keywords and therefore you'll get better search engine rankings for those words/phrases.
Submitting to website directories is one of the most essential parts of search engine optimization (SEO) because directories are the quickest and easiest method of generating powerful links to your website, there is no easier method of generating links to your website than website directory submissions.

Article Directory submission

What are article submissions?

By far one of the most effective ways of improving your search engine rankings is through writing and submitting articles. But what are article submissions and just why are they so important?
What you need to do as a webmaster is write an article about something related to the subject of your website. For example, if you ran a website about sporting collectables you could write an article about how others could become collectors, or how to value items - basically anything you want to so long as it relates to your website topic. Somewhere in the article you include a link to your website, and you then submit your article to 'article directories' on the Internet. An article directory is a repository of lots of articles that people have submitted.

Why are they so effective?

For every article directory that publishes your article you'll get a link to your website (the link you included in your article), and also other websites might 'pick-up' your article to publish on their own website - meaning you get even more links. So the more directories you submit to, the more links you'll get. Of course, you need to write a good quality article so that your article is published by the directories.
The reason article submissions are so effective is because each article is published on its own unique webpage, meaning your link might be the only external link on that page, which gives your link full 'strength'. Also, because the article is based on the theme of your website your link is given even more strength.

websites, blogs and article submission

A recent study by McAfee found that four out of five website visits start with a search engine query. So if your website doesn't have good search engine rankings then you're missing out on 80% of the traffic you could be getting. This translates to making 80% less money from your website than you could be. Any search engine optimization expert will tell you that submitting to directories is one of the fastest and single-most effective means of improving your search engine rankings.

So what are Website Directories?

A website directory categorizes websites so that a person can manually find information they are looking for, rather like a phone book or the yellow pages. Website directories provide an alternative to search engines because rather than just the big sites being listed at the top, it is the user who chooses which site to visit by reading a description of the different sites to see which matches their requirements best. Obviously the more directories you can submit your website to, the more traffic your website will receive.
Submitting to web directories will therefore have two massive benefits for your website: the first is that your website will get direct, targeted traffic from the directories themselves, secondly your website will obtain a good quality, one-way link from every directory you submit to, this will drastically improve your search engine rankings and Google PageRank, often moving your website many pages in the search engine results. More information on website directories.

and what are Article Directories?

What you need to do as a webmaster is write an article about something related to the subject of your website. For example, if you ran a website about sporting collectables you could write an article about how others could become collectors, or how to value items - basically anything you want to so long as it relates to your website topic. Somewhere in the article or your author biography you include a link to your website, and you then submit your article to 'article directories' on the Internet. An article directory is a repository of lots of articles that other people have submitted. For every article directory that publishes your article you'll get a link to your website (the link you included in your article).
The reason article submissions are so effective is because each article is published on its own unique webpage, meaning your link might be the only external link on that page, which gives your link full 'strength'. Also, because the article is based on the theme of your website your link is given even more strength. More information on article directory.

E-mail marketing Campaign

Email marketing campaigns fail for many different reasons, but the most common mistake online marketers make is not designing the campaign in a manner to produce results. Over the past couple of years I’ve developed this list of key elements to ensure my email marketing campaigns are both profitable and successful. Now I’m going to share them with you so you’re email marketing campaigns will do the same for you.
1: Choose Your Mailing List Very Carefully
Any email marketing campaign is only as good as the mailing list used. There’s many different choices when determining the source of your mailing list so you want to be very careful when making this decision. Too many times email marketers believe the best way to produce results is by using shotgun marketing techniques with harvested email lists. The premise is based on large numbers and the law of averages, in that you’ll produce results simply by sending your ad out to as large a number of recipients as possible. This is a very ineffective way to produce results.
The key of choosing your list is based on your target market. You’re ad may be great but if your mailing list doesn’t consist of your target market, you just as well not send it out. You can use a very small targeted list and produce incredible response rates, depending on your ad, but you can get in the 15% to 35% response range. Before you purchase a mailing list, make sure the list owner can tell what market is represented on the list.
2: You Want To Produce Responses Not Sales
When you advertise, your goal is to get the prospect to respond by requesting more information about what you’re offering for sale. Too many times online marketers try to make the sale in their ad and all too often they fail. Your ad must focus on the most powerful benefits your prospect will gain from the purchase of your product and how they can get more detailed information. You want your ad to sound as if you’re talking with each prospect personally to get the best response rates.
3: Make Your Ad Brief And To The Point
In today’s fast paced society, people are busy and your email marketing needs to take this into consideration. Look to your own experience to help you out here. When you’re searching for initial information you don’t want to wade through a mountain of information, you want information that’s brief and to the point. You’ll have more time to go over the more detailed information in the sales material once you’ve made the initial inquiry.
If your ad rambles on and doesn’t get to the point quickly, your prospect will simply skip over your ad and move on to the next. Pick the most important benefits of your product and let your prospect know what they are and how they’ll solve their problems. Make sure your ad gets directly to the point about your offer. Don’t make your prospect guess about what you’re offering. How do you expect them to request more information if they don’t understand what you’re offering them? After reading thousands of ads, the most common mistakes are made in both the length of the ad and that it doesn’t get to the point.
4: Give Your Prospect An Incentive To Respond
The most powerful word in advertising is "Free!" When you make an offer of a free sample or report, your chances of getting a better response is dramatically increased. Discounts and limited time offers can also be used in your ads, but they’re best used in the sales letter when trying to produce an order. For the best responses, make your incentives immediate and short term. You want to create a sense of urgency when using incentives. If you can generate more ad responses using incentives, you’re increasing your chances for making more sales.
5: Include A Strong "Call To Action"
Have you ever read an ad that when you finished you couldn't figure out what to do next? This is a fatal mistake that’s made in many ads. Don’t be timid here, make sure your prospect knows exactly what to do if they want more details. You can have them send an email, visit your web page, call a phone number or any other method of delivery you’ve chosen, just make sure you give your prospect some options and make the call to action strong. This is an excellent place to combine an incentive.
6: Track And Record Your Responses
Developing a successful email marketing campaign isn’t just having a great ad, its having a great ad and knowing what kind of responses it’ll produce in a specific target market! Your ad might be very successful in one target market and less successful in another. But you won't know this if you don't "Track and Record Your Responses!" You can use special codes as department numbers or form numbers, but the best strategy I've used is in linking a specific ad to an autoresponder or web page. Make sure you always record the responses on a tracking form for evaluation and reference.
7: Follow Up With Every Response
It completely baffles me why an online marketer would spend their time, effort and money to advertise and then make no attempt to follow up with the prospects. You've created an interested prospect because they've asked to get more details, don't stake the success of your business on the fact that after they've read your sales letter, they'll place an order without you asking them for the sale again. If you don't follow up and ask for the sale again, you're passing up the opportunity of a 20% to 30% increase in your sales. I don't know of any business owner who wouldn't jump at the opportunity to increase their sales by 20% to 30% percent and you can accomplish this by just following up with your prospects!
8: Test Your Entire Email Marketing Process
The key to producing a successful email marketing campaign is: "To Test Your Entire Process!" Test, test, test, test! Think about this: Is your ad pulling the most responses it can or can it get a much larger response rate? You'll never know unless you test. Here's where you can take a small profit and create a fortune for your business. You want to take a systematic approach that'll give you quantifiable results for comparing specific ads, sales letters, markets and advertising mediums. But be very careful. Don't make wholesale changes, test each component in your process separately. Test, test and test some more! Be patient and be persistent!
9: Expect Questions From Your Prospects
No matter how well your ads and sales letters are written, you’ll still get questions. Online prospects are more educated and want more information before they make their buying decision. In fact, before I make a purchase online, I send an email to the advertiser asking anything, just to see what and how quickly they respond. You'd be amazed at how many times I never receive a reply. When you do respond, do it honestly and quickly. They're hot prospects when they ask a question, so get them the information they want and as quickly as possible, before they cool off. If you don’t want the sale just do nothing.
10: Set Reasonable And Achievable Goals
In most email marketing campaigns, a 1% to 3% response rate is considered very good. You can and will see better and worse response rates by carefully selecting a targeted email list. But you need to set reasonable and achievable goals for your campaign. If your goals are set too high and can’t be reached you’ll become disillusioned and stop marketing. You want to be able to reach some of your goals so set them up in steps to keep building from.
Final Thoughts
Once you begin your email marketing campaign you’ll begin to see for yourself which of these elements you’ve mastered and which ones you still need to work on. In to give your campaign the best possible chance for success, make sure you've considered and applied these 10 Key Elements. Make your selections carefully and with a specific goal in mind and soon you’ll find that you’re easily obtaining your email marketing goals and producing incredible profits from your online marketing campaign.

List out your business in google map.

I going to reveal to you the easiest way to produce highly targeted interent traffic to you and you’ll never have to pay a cent for it.
When you have used Google to find a service or product for your area have ever seen a map with several flags on it show up. That is Google Maps. What you may not know is that it is so easy to get your business or service listed on that map for your area and that the service is free…unlike the Yellowpages, etc.
Just imagine what it would be like to have hundreds of people looking for your service or product go to Google and see your business listed right there, on the first page of the search engine results. How many people do you think would get to click onto your website and thus, give you a call?
That is Google Maps for you. Instant first page rankings for your business for free.
Okay, so how do you get your business listed? Quite easy actually. It’ll only take about 10 minutes of your time.
Go to and then follow the directions. Easy, simple and quick. Now, I must warn you; your business will not show up right away on the map. Google says it can take up to 6 weeks, but the longest I have ever had to wait was a week.
So there you go. First page Google ranking for your business in 10 minutes and for free. Life just can’t get any better.

Nine methods to promote web

Don't make the mistake of ignoring website promotion. Every website is selling something, be it a product or a service, or maybe simply trust or a brand. This means you need visitors; the more targeted, the better. Simply creating a great site isn't enough, although it's an excellent first step. You need to be out there actively promoting it if you truly want to achieve revenue through your site.
Website promotion may very well be the most important aspect of an online business, yet it often gets overlooked. Many online businesses and websites put forth so much effort into website design, yet completely neglect the promotional aspects. This is a big mistake, and in fact I am going to give you nine methods that you can start using today to promote a website effectively.
Taking out annual subscriptions in one or more of the major web catalogs (e.g. Inktomi, FAST, AskJeeves, etc.) and business directories (e.g. YellowPages, Superpages) can help garner some immediate traffic for your website. Web Catalogs tend to work well for new sites, as they get you some all important links in the early stages. Business directories work for virtually any business as they put a listing (or ad) for your website right in front of people looking for exactly what you're selling.
This is a fantastic way to increase the importance of your website in the eyes of the search engines. The rationale that the search engines use is that if other sites are linking to yours, then your site must be important. A link from another site to your site is considered a "vote" for your site. The more of these votes, the better; to an extent, of course. Steer clear of such black hat techniques as link farms and free for all (FFA) sites. I recommend starting by asking your vendors, suppliers and customers if they could link to your site in exchange for a link to theirs. You could then branch out into related businesses that service a different audience (e.g. a competitor in another city that you don't service).
This step is critical for any brand new website. You'll want to let the major search engines know that your new site exists, and prompting them to visit it with a search engine submission campaign is a great start. Don't bother buying a big 1500-engine submission package ? there's only about 7 to 10 major search engines worth worrying about, and once you're listed on these, the other 1490 will pick you up (not that they'll send you any measurable traffic?). The controversy here is whether or not to continue a submission campaign. Does it help an established site? Does it hurt it? Our research indicates that it doesn't hurt. As to whether or not it helps ? for some engines yes, for others no. A big tip to give you here is to be sure to work hard to get your site listed in the important directories like DMOZ and AltaVista.
4. Electronic Newsletter
An electronic newsletter is a fantastic method for staying in touch with not only existing customers, but potential customers as well. Provide useful, interesting information on a regular basis and be sure that people can subscribe and unsubscribe easily. Utilizing a good tool (e.g. Constant Contact) will make your life easier and allow people to forward the newsletter to their friends and colleagues (known as Viral Marketing). You can also use the newsletter as a vehicle for announcements or specials. Never charge anything to subscribers, and build your list by running contests or promotions.
I saved this one until last as I believe it is the single most important item in this list. If you remember nothing else from this article, remember pay-per-click (or PPC). By paying for visits from people who are searching on keywords related to your product or service, you are almost ensuring that your website will generate more revenue with a higher conversion rate of visitors to customers. The more popular programs include Google AdWords, Overture Content Match and Site Match, as well as smaller players like FindWhat, Kanoodle and Mamma.
Google AdWords is a great method to get the word out about your website. This promotional technique works because it gives you the unique opportunity of targeting the type of people who visit your website. This means that your traffic is more likely to be interested in what you have to offer, hence you will make more money.
The first thing you need to do is get the word out about your website. This can be done instantly by incorporating press releases into your marketing campaign. Press releases are a great way to get the word out about your website in a short period of time.
Twitter is a social community of people, and you can easily find people with similar interests to you. By doing this you are likely to connect with some individuals that could promote your website, and perhaps even find some customers.
Giving valuable information in forums can be very effective, and does not take much work on your part. Starting an interesting thread or contributing meaningful posts will get the job done.
Use the power of Youtube. Youtube is a great website and by posting videos advertising your business then you can really get a lot of website traffic. Youtube is a fantastic way to promote a website effectively because of the amount of people that will potentially see your promotions.

ways to get listed in 10 search result

This is an article to show you the fastest way to get top 10 in the search engines for your own website. This method always work, especially for keywords with low competition. But there are some factors you need to consider before using it.
Ok, here is the method in summary:
Simply use the keywords that you want to rank for as the domain name of your website.
For example, if you want to get top 10 rank for “migraine headache relief”, you can name your website as one of the followings:
migraineheadacherelief (.com, .net or .org)migraine-headache-relief (.com, .net or .org)
If those domain names are not available, you can add a prefix or suffix such as my, site, guide etc. For example,
The idea is to include the keywords in your domain name.
Before using this strategy, there are some issues you should consider:
1) It’s not a loophole
This method works for competitive keywords. If you don’t believe, search for ‘acne’ and see which website ranks top.
But this method is NOT a loophole.
You still need to build links into your homepage.
The only difference is you need lesser links compared to websites without the keywords in the domain names.
This brings us to the next important point - keyword research.
2) Keyword research
The more competitive the keywords, the more links you need and the longer time it takes for you to get top rank for that keywords.
As a start, it would be a better idea to aim for less competitive keywords.
How do you know if a keyword phrase is competitive?
Simple. Below are my personal checklist:
i) Google search result for that keyword phrase should have less than 500,000 results.
ii) Some of the webpages in the top 10 results should have a PR less than 3.
iii) Some of the webpages in the top 10 results are internal pages of,,, and/or
If I found a keyword phrase that satisfies all the 3 criteria, plus the keyword phrase has a good demand, I know that I’ve found another gold.
3) Branding
If you think domain name such as looks ugly, you are absolutely right!
But if I am creating an affiliate site or Adsense site, I don’t really care whether my domain name looks professional.
If I’m creating a website that requires some form of branding, I may have to give this trick a pass. Alternatively, I will try to include as many keywords as possible while making sure that the domain name looks professional

top 25 tips for marketing blog

With so many blogs being created every day, it’s a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. There are many types of blogs or purposes for blogs and a certain number of tactics are applicable to just about all of them, so here is a “short” list of tips for marketing and optimizing a blog:
1. Decide on a stand alone domain name or directory of existing site Sub domain is also an option Avoid hosted services that do not allow you to use your own domain name!
2. Obtain and install customizable blog software - WordPress and Moveable Type are my favorites.
3. Customize blog look and feel templates - aka design.
4. Research keywords and develop a glossary - Keyword Discovery, WordTracker, SitePoint, SEOBook Keyword Research.
.5. Optimize the blog:
  • Template optimization - RSS subscription options, social bookmark links, HTML code, Unique title tags, URLs, Sitemap
  • Add helper plugins specific to WordPress or MT
  • Create keyword rich categories (reference your keyword glossary)
6. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.
7. Create Feedburner Pro account and enable feed tracking.
8. Setup Google acount for Sitemap, validate and prep for future submission.
9. Identify authoritative blogs, web sites and hubs for outbound resource links and blogroll.

10. Format archived posts, related posts.

11. Enable statistics for tracking - Performancing, Google Analytics, ClickTracks.
12. Submit RSS feed and Blog URL to prominent RSS and Blog directories / search engines.
13. Engage in an ongoing link building campaign.
14. If podcast or video content are available, submit to Podcast and Vlog directories.

15. Submit blog url to paid directories with categories for blogs - Yahoo, BOTW, bCentral, WOW, JoeAnt.

16. Optimize and distribute a press release announcing blog.
17. Request feedback or reviews of your blog in relevant forums, discussion threads. If you have a resourceful post that will help others, point to it.
18. Research and comment on relevant industry related blogs and blogs with significant centers of influence.

19. Post regularly. If it’s a news oriented blog, 3-5 times per day. If it’s an authoritative blog, 3-5 times per week, but each post must be unique and high value.
20. Monitor inbound links, traffic, comments and mentions of your blog - Google Alerts, Technorati, Blogpulse, Yahoo News, Ask Blogs and Feeds.
21. Always respond to comments on your blog and when you detect a mention of your blog on another blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post.
22. Make contact with related bloggers on AND offline if possible.
23. When making blog posts always cite the source with a link and don’t be afraid to mention popular bloggers by name. Use keywords in the blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text when you link to previous posts you’ve made.

24. Use social networking services, forums and discussion threads to connect with other bloggers. If they like your stuff, they will link to you.
25. Remember when web sites were a new concept and the sage advice to print your web address everywhere you print your phone number? The same advice applies for your blog.  
Of course if you don’t want to do it yourself, you can always have a blog consultant do these things (and more) for you, but I realize that there are quite a few personal bloggers as well as small business bloggers looking for this kind of information. I hope it’s helpful.

list of pagerank 3 directories

more pr 3 web directories

list of ranked directories 2 and 3

All of the directories listed below offer a one way link to your website. Just right click on any link and open in a new window, so you can submit your website information to those directories. these are the directories with pagerank 3 & 2. It also helps you much to make your page ranked by different search engines and get high traffic or real visitors to your page. Enjoy the promotional activities in How to get high traffic trend.

impressiveurls paradigmamed
b2bcompass yourfreelink
sakaleesfreewebdirectoryweb splur
f7wpublimix hobimiz
scheduledweb sdipnshineinternet
You will get more list of quality directories in next post. Subscribe to the post to get more and regular knowledge on promotional stratergy, which increases your pagerank and helps you get high traffic and regular visitors to your web page.